Legal Translation Services: Document Translation for the Legal Industry in China
While China boasts one of the biggest economies in the world, many rules and regulations around corporate law are still being formed. As such, it can be notoriously difficult to navigate, especially for foreigners.
For those doing business in China, mistranslated legal documents can be a massive liability – rulings handed down from Chinese courts are almost wholly based on documentary evidence as opposed to testimony. That’s why it is imperative to secure reliable and credentialed legal translation services.
With our vast network of professional legal translators, HI-COM provides certified legal translation services in over 40 languages to help you grow your business in China on your terms.

Our Legal Translation Experts Are Professional in Many Areas of Chinese Laws
- Banking Law
- Case Law
- Case Law
- Commercial Law
- Contract Law
- Copywrights Law
- Criminal Law
- Family Law
- Intellectual Property
- Ligitation
- Protocols & Patents
- Sales & Acquisition

When Do You Need Legal Translation Services?
Business documents such as labor contracts, insurance documentation and visas all require legal translation provided by a certified translation agency. As a foreign employee applying for a Chinese work visa, you will need certified translations of letters of recommendation, CV, diplomas, grade cards, as well as criminal record notes.
In addition, there are many situations in daily life where certified legal translation is mandatory: foreign bank loans, cross-border business licenses, international school registration, and mixed nationality marriage certificates.
Legal document translation in China require certified translations, where the translator assumes responsibility for its accuracy.
Legal Translation Services in China by Professional Translators
What You Shall Know before Working with Us
HI-COM uses professional translators whose fields of expertise is legal translation. These translators are native speakers of the target language and have experience in the industry. Each team is composed of a project manager, a translator and a proofreader. The team in charge of your project remains at your disposal for any modifications or additional requests.
Our Legal Translators
- Have in-depth knowledge of law vocabulary for the scope of your business
- Constantly monitor the legal industry for the latest updates
- Have perfect understanding of source language
- Only translate into their native language
- Decline jobs where they cannot guarantee the highest quality translations
- Demonstrate and hold themselves to high standards
At HI-COM You Can Translate Any Document Including
Why HI-COM Translation Services?
As a registered translation agency in China, HI-COM is proud to provide certified legal document translation services guaranteeing
Contract Translation Services
The translation of legal documents such as translation of contracrs is the most difficult of all kinds of translations and requires the highest form of accuracy and a thorough knowledge of legal systems, terminology, language and cultural differences. It uses the content and terms of the legal system in force in the country of origin of the source document. As the world becomes more global, the need for legal translation is increasing. In addition to language barriers, differences between legal systems make legal translation very complex.
Outsourcing Contract Translation Service
Legal translation is limited by the field of law and the need to maintain cultural factors according to the source document. The translated document or target text must respond to this cultural structure so that there is no way any violation of the real meaning or jurisdiction. That is why it is important to find a right agency that provides Contract Translation Service that you can rely on!

Examples of Contracts and Agreements Translated by HI-COM
- General Contracts
- Terms and conditions
- Non-disclosure agreements
- Rental contracts / agreements
- Employment contracts
- Merger and acquisition agreements
- General conditions of sale
- General conditions of purchase
- Disclaimers
- Private agreements
- Stock agreements
Do You Need a Certified Translation?
You may be told that your translation needs to be “certified” by a professional translator or translation agency. The definition of a certified translation may vary depending on the laws of the country concerned.
The translated documents should consist of three main parts: the translation, a copy of the document in the original language, and the company’s special seal for translations. Each page of the translation should be stamped separately. The translation may also require a statement signed and stamped by the translation company to affirm that the translated text is an accurate and complete rendering of the original source document.
Document Translation Services
Document translation services of all types and from all sectors is HI-COM’s specialty. We can handle document translations of your business or your business partners’ covering over 40 language pairs.
With more than ten years of experience, our team of professional document translators adhere to international translation standards.
Our document translation services will bring consistency to your translations, through the use of our customer-specific term database that we have built up over the last decade, through the processing and optimization of thousands of documents.
Document translation is our specialty. HI-COM provides document translation in a wide range of industries, including the following:

Document Translation for any Industry
- Aeronautics
- Automotive
- Education
- Energy
- Engineering
- Fashion
- Finance
- IT
- Legal
- Marketing
- Media & Entertainment
- Medical
- Patents
- Retail & Ecommerce
- Travel and Tourism

Quality and security of your documents and translations
HI-COM’s professional translation team, as well as sales and consulting teams reliably provide our clients with highest levels of service, personal attention and translation quality. HI-COM is an active member of Translators Association of China, official translation partner of British Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai, French Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai and Guangzhou, Australian Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai and Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai.
HI-COM is providing companies like Unilever, Decathlon, Havas, PHD Media, Safran (and many others) with professional translation of corporate documents, presentations and technical manuals. HI-COM is also a trusted business interpreting partner of these and other companies.
What Our Clients Say
We Work with over 40 Languages, Including:
- Albanian
- Arabic
- Bulgarian
- Cantonese
- Chinese (Simplified)
- Chinese (Traditional)
- Czech
- Danish
- Dutch
- Farsi
- Korean
- Macedonian
- Malay
- Norwegian
- Polish
- Portuguese (Brazil)
- Portuguese (Portugal)
- Romanian
- Russian
- Serbian
- Slovak
- Spanish (European)
- Spanish (Latin America)
- Slovenian
- Swedish
- Tagalog
- Thai
- Turkish
- Ukrainian
- Vietnamese